Saturday, March 1, 2014

It's the journey...

Hello, my friends!  I have just completed my second photography class...

...and it has been a real adventure!  This class took me well beyond my comfort zone, but also led me on some wonderful adventures.  And what I have come to realize is - it is not always about reaching a destination, but rather the journey along the way.

Life leads us down so many different roads...some by our own choosing, some by fate, some by God's will or some just by pure chance.  These twists and turns are sometimes joyful, sometimes, painful, sometimes confusing.  But always we have the opportunity to learn, to grow, to EXPERIENCE this great road trip we call life!

I often think about some of these "trips" I have taken by own choosing - and I start to overthink each experience - the what ifs, the would've, should've, could've - and I realize how these doubts have taken away from each of my life's experiences.  So I choose to accept the choices I have made in my life - and the consequences of each those choices - and remember the adventure, the growth, and the promise of better tomorrows that each have brought me.

I CHOOSE to enjoy the ride and not worry about the final destination!

Happy trails, my friends, until we meet again!

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