Sunday, September 7, 2014

The Moon Knows....

Hello and a most Happy Sunday morning to you all!

I had the most enjoyable evening drive with the love of my life and a good friend yesterday.  What started out as a river rock collecting expedition (for a craft project I'm working on) rolled into a ride up a mountainside until the road ended and the day faded away.  Along the way, we watched as the sun set and the moon slowly rose.  And what a beautiful and most awesome sight to behold as we drove to what felt like the top of the world!

Looking at the photos this morning, I got to thinking about how similar our lives are to that of the moon...and how connected we all are by its majesty! 

 It is the same moon that my mother, and her mother, and all the mothers before her have looked up at in the quiet of night.  It is the same moon that my now 31 year old son called the "boon" when he was learning to talk so many years ago.  It is the same moon that others see half way around the world when they look towards the night sky.

I remember reading this quote somewhere that ended with - "the moon knows what it means to be human" - and the gist of it was this...
The moon is always changing - some days small and dark, other times so full of light and life.  Very much the way life changes from day to day...very much the way we can feel about ourselves and our lives day to day. 

And this morning, reflecting on last night's adventure, I feel a sense of peace - I know that some days will be spectacular and bright and full of life, and other days quieter, less grand, and sometimes even dark.  And I am okay with that, because I know the "full moon" will rise again.

Until next time my friends, wishing you all peace and lots of full-moon days!

1 comment:

  1. I love this about the moon! I've always thought the moon to be magical.
