Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Heading into the final week of my first adventure - a creative photography class - I find myself becoming more and more excited about future adventures.  I have taken time to research other online classes, and have already selected my next classes - yes, CLASSES!  I feel such energy and desire to continue on my quest to try new things!  I want to finish up my photography class before I share the next adventure with you (I know, I know...the anticipation is killing you!). 

This week, we have been working on really getting outside of our comfort zone and playing with taking "selfies".  I can tell you, the idea of photographing myself brings up so many uncomfortable feelings.  Feelings I am guessing that go back all the way to my childhood.  It causes me to revisit the name of this blog - sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me...

It's a lie.  I guess it was some witty saying created to make a person not feel hurt by hurtful words. I can tell you that I hold very few memories from my very early years, but most of the times when hurtful words were directed at me, I remember...oh, how I remember!  I guess you could say I am thin-skinned, that I tend to take everything to heart...but that is how I try to lead - with my heart.  But as we grow, we learn to tuck the hurt deep inside and hope it doesn't resurface - like this project that involves photographing yourself.

I know I am a good person, kind-hearted, hard-working, with a genuine concern for my fellow man and mankind, I am smart and have a great sense of humor, I am courageous and faithful, and I am a pretty darn good mother and grandmother. But this self photography thing has thrown me for a loop.  So as a part of my new year of adventures, I will venture into finally erasing those painful words that lie deep within me and just enjoy!  I will continue to take photos of myself until there are no more voices in my head trying to tear me down.

Here is my first attempt at a "selfie"...I call it "baby steps"...

Nice to "see" you again...please come on back to see what the next adventure is!~

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Hurry up and slow down!

It is true that time flies by faster the older we get.  Nearing my 54th year in this world, this is something I have come to realize.  We get so wrapped up in our day-to-day existence, that we forget to take time to enjoy the simple things and the beauty that's around us.
We obsess over things, carefully planning all the details instead of...
...just snapping the picture without looking through the view finder.
Life plays with us by seeming so blurred at times, yet...
...so crystal clear at other times.
I guess sometimes I prefer the blurriness...
it seems to open up so many other possibilities if you let your mind go there.
I  wish we all could take a minute and remember what it was like to be child...
...and just twirl and twirl in a circle until we are silly with dizziness.
Like the tumbleweed blowing by that is slowed on its path by a wintering plant...
 I, too, wish to stop and take in the beauty of what's right in front of me.
This first week of rediscovery has been an amazing one.  I am beginning to feel more like "me".  I feel like I was lead to this creative photography thing - it is awakening the creative energy in me and I am so excited about what other adventures await!
Glad you could stop by and check in on me...now get to it -

Sunday, January 5, 2014

I don't want your life!

The last argument I had with my mother before we unexpectedly lost her was just this..."I don't want your life!"  She was upset with me going out too much with friends (now mind you, I was in my mid-40's and my kids were all adults except my last teenager).  In a moment of tired crankiness (probably had been out too late the night before!) I said those words - "I don't want your life!"  And I went on to rant about not living a life that included going to work, coming home to television, and going to bed- like her.  I had spent nearly 25 years as a single mother to 4 children, and I was damn sure going to get my time!  The hurt in her eyes still resides in my mind's eye.  Sticks and stones can certainly break bones, but  sometimes words do the most damage.  Good news is, I did come to my senses and apologize to my mother shortly after this argument.  My mother meant everything to me...she was my friend, my housemate, my inspiration,  my hero...

Funny thing is...all these years later, I find myself doing exactly what I swore I would not do.  I did get the courage to leave my life behind in NY state when the last child hit adulthood, sell all my belongings, and achieve a lifelong dream of going to Montana.  I have been here for 5 years now, and have experienced so many new and wonderful things.  But over the past couple of years, I have found myself falling into that trap of work, home, and work again.  I have always had a creative and adventurous side, and lately I feel as though I am drowning in creative juices and smothering in complete boredom.

I have never been one to make New Year's resolutions, but this week I decided - what the heck!  Time to get the creativity rolling, time to try things I've never tried before, time to get these old bones up and moving!  I invite you all to check in with me here from time-to-time and follow along on a year's worth of adventure...

...the first one begins tomorrow - an online photography class with a twist:)

the rebel's guide to falling in love with photography