Saturday, January 11, 2014

Hurry up and slow down!

It is true that time flies by faster the older we get.  Nearing my 54th year in this world, this is something I have come to realize.  We get so wrapped up in our day-to-day existence, that we forget to take time to enjoy the simple things and the beauty that's around us.
We obsess over things, carefully planning all the details instead of...
...just snapping the picture without looking through the view finder.
Life plays with us by seeming so blurred at times, yet... crystal clear at other times.
I guess sometimes I prefer the blurriness...
it seems to open up so many other possibilities if you let your mind go there.
I  wish we all could take a minute and remember what it was like to be child...
...and just twirl and twirl in a circle until we are silly with dizziness.
Like the tumbleweed blowing by that is slowed on its path by a wintering plant...
 I, too, wish to stop and take in the beauty of what's right in front of me.
This first week of rediscovery has been an amazing one.  I am beginning to feel more like "me".  I feel like I was lead to this creative photography thing - it is awakening the creative energy in me and I am so excited about what other adventures await!
Glad you could stop by and check in on get to it -

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