Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Heading into the final week of my first adventure - a creative photography class - I find myself becoming more and more excited about future adventures.  I have taken time to research other online classes, and have already selected my next classes - yes, CLASSES!  I feel such energy and desire to continue on my quest to try new things!  I want to finish up my photography class before I share the next adventure with you (I know, I know...the anticipation is killing you!). 

This week, we have been working on really getting outside of our comfort zone and playing with taking "selfies".  I can tell you, the idea of photographing myself brings up so many uncomfortable feelings.  Feelings I am guessing that go back all the way to my childhood.  It causes me to revisit the name of this blog - sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me...

It's a lie.  I guess it was some witty saying created to make a person not feel hurt by hurtful words. I can tell you that I hold very few memories from my very early years, but most of the times when hurtful words were directed at me, I remember...oh, how I remember!  I guess you could say I am thin-skinned, that I tend to take everything to heart...but that is how I try to lead - with my heart.  But as we grow, we learn to tuck the hurt deep inside and hope it doesn't resurface - like this project that involves photographing yourself.

I know I am a good person, kind-hearted, hard-working, with a genuine concern for my fellow man and mankind, I am smart and have a great sense of humor, I am courageous and faithful, and I am a pretty darn good mother and grandmother. But this self photography thing has thrown me for a loop.  So as a part of my new year of adventures, I will venture into finally erasing those painful words that lie deep within me and just enjoy!  I will continue to take photos of myself until there are no more voices in my head trying to tear me down.

Here is my first attempt at a "selfie"...I call it "baby steps"...

Nice to "see" you again...please come on back to see what the next adventure is!~

1 comment:

  1. Mom,

    As someone who had to re-examine my childhood years, I can tell you that it is hard, but once you accept it, you will feel so free! You are the best mom in the whole wide world! I am lucky that I was raised by you and Gramma, because it has made me into the woman I am today. I love you more than I can ever put into words. xoxo
